
Jueves, 23 Mayo 2013

BID apoya uso de energía sostenible para electrificación rural en Haití

El Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID) apoyará un proyecto de cooperación técnica de US$3 millones para ayudar al gobierno de Haití a probar diferentes soluciones de energía renovable con objeto de ampliar la electrificación rural.

Jueves, 23 Mayo 2013

Saint Lucia signs up for the Carbon War Room’s ‘Ten Island Renewable Challenge’

Launched at Rio+20 Summit in June 2012, by Branson's entrepreneur initiative Carbon War Room and Christiana Figueres, Executive Director of the UNFCCC, the Ten Island Challenge aims to work with pioneering island economies to reduce dependency on fossil fuels through the acceleration of commercial opportunities on islands , attracting expert engineering firms and investment.

Jueves, 23 Mayo 2013

Disaster risk must be part of new development goals - global forum

Work on reducing the risk of disasters cannot be separated from efforts to tackle climate change and to move towards more sustainable development, an international conference on disaster risk reduction agreed this week.

Miércoles, 22 Mayo 2013

Economist: climate change creating higher food prices in Antigua and Barbuda

Regional economist McCarthy Marie believes a more volatile climate is a major reason residents have to dig deeper into their pockets for basic goods and foodstuff.

Miércoles, 22 Mayo 2013

Comunidades de práctica: ¿qué son, para qué sirven y por qué son importantes?

Gracias a Internet, hoy es posible agrupar a personas geográficamente muy distantes en una misma comunidad de contacto inmediato y acceso prácticamente ilimitado a conocimiento e información para buscar soluciones a problemas comunes.

Miércoles, 22 Mayo 2013

Eight utilities call on EU leaders to revitalize energy policy

The CEOs of eight key European energy companies have released a joint statement underlining the seriousness of the current challenges facing the region's energy sector and proposing appropriate policy action, ahead of a European Council summit Wednesday that is set to focus on energy.

Miércoles, 22 Mayo 2013

World on course to run out of water, warns Ban Ki-moon

Speaking on the UN's International Day of Biological Diversity, Ban said there was a "mutually reinforcing" relationship between biodiversity and water that should be harnessed.

Martes, 21 Mayo 2013

UN to private sector: Change mindset on disaster resilience

At least $189 billion, according to the 2013 Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction, which the U.N. International Strategy for Disaster Reduction released on May 15 ahead of this week’s fourth session of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction taking place in Geneva.

Martes, 21 Mayo 2013

China agrees to impose carbon targets by 2016

The battle against global warming has received a transformational boost after China, the world's biggest producer of carbon dioxide, proposed to set a cap on its greenhouse gas emissions for the first time.

Lunes, 20 Mayo 2013

Knowledge sharing to uncover recipes from the vulnerability assessment melting pot

Researchers, funders, and policy makers from 14 Latin American and Caribbean countries, including four researchers from CIAT and CCAFS, participated in a regional workshop on climate change vulnerability organized by the UNEP REGATTA project and IICA (the Inter-American Institute of Agricultural Sciences). The objective of the workshop was to share knowledge on the development of climate change vulnerability assessments and tools to assist selection of resilience building adaptation actions.

Lunes, 20 Mayo 2013

México y Alemania refuerzan su asociación estratégica en el campo de la cooperación internacional para el desarrollo

•   Se profundizará la colaboración en los sectores de medio ambiente, energías renovables y cambio climático.

•   La educación vocacional, uno de los mayores éxitos del trabajo entre ambas naciones.

•   Se dirigirá asistencia triangular a Centroamérica en temas donde México cuenta con experiencias exitosas.

Jueves, 16 Mayo 2013

Strengthening Ownership and Effectiveness of Climate Finance

The Climate Investment Funds (CIFs), one of the world’s largest dedicated funding facilities for climate change mitigation/adaptation projects, have now been in operation for five years. It’s a good time to step back and evaluate what lessons we’re learning from these important sources of climate finance.

Jueves, 16 Mayo 2013

Climate research nearly unanimous on human causes, survey finds

A survey of thousands of peer-reviewed papers in scientific journals has found 97.1% agreed that climate change is caused by human activity.

Miércoles, 15 Mayo 2013

CARICOM must be prepared to face shifting global priorities, says secretary general

The Caribbean Community (CARICOM) must remain alert, proactive and responsive as it confronts the shifting priorities of the world’s dominant players, including its traditional partners, said CARICOM Secretary-General Irwin LaRocque, as he addressed the opening session of the 16th meeting of CARICOM’s Council for Foreign and Community Relations (COFCOR) in Port of Spain, Trinidad, on Monday night.

Miércoles, 15 Mayo 2013

BID insta a modernizar sistema fiscal para mejorar productividad en A. Latina

El Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID) instó hoy a los gobiernos latinoamericanos a reformar su sistema fiscal, de manera que no se concentre exclusivamente en la recaudación, para contribuir a la productividad económica y preservar los abundantes recursos naturales de la región.