
Jueves, 20 Junio 2013

8 points on financing climate change adaptation in urban areas

As the urgent need for climate change adaptation becomes clearer, so three issues come to the fore. The first is the cost.  Many estimates suggest that trillions of dollars are needed, with little idea of where these might come from. The second is whether governments and international agencies will act with the needed urgency. The third is whether those who need to act get the support they require. A meeting on Financing Urban Adaptation to Climate Change held at IIED on the 13-14 June highlighted eight points to guide funding.

Miércoles, 19 Junio 2013

Cuba apuesta por las energías renovables

El Estado cubano prioriza un programa de desarrollo de las fuentes renovables de energía para generar electricidad, en un país rebosante de luz solar, energía eólica, y biomasa forestal y cañera, en su afán por proteger la naturaleza y el medio ambiente.

Miércoles, 19 Junio 2013

World's poorest will feel brunt of climate change, warns World Bank

Droughts, floods, heatwaves, sea-level rises and fiercer storms are likely to accompany increasing global warming and will cause severe hardship in areas that are already poor or were emerging from poverty, the bank said in a report.

Miércoles, 19 Junio 2013

Climate change will reshape world 'in our lifetimes' - World Bank president

In fewer than 20 years, climate change impacts – from flooded major cities to crashing food production – threaten to fundamentally reshape the world economy and dramatically worsen human lives, the World Bank’s president warned on Wednesday. 

Martes, 18 Junio 2013

Estudio BID destaca solidez de bancos públicos de América Latina, potencial aporte para cambio climático y desarrollo productivo

Las colocaciones de los Bancos Públicos de Desarrollo (BPD) de América Latina y el Caribe superan los US$700.000 millones al año y gozan de una solidez operacional y financiera inédita que les permite ampliar sus operaciones en áreas como el financiamiento de la mitigación al cambio climático y de políticas para el desarrollo productivo, según un estudio divulgado hoy por el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID).

Martes, 18 Junio 2013

Agricultura y gestión integral del agua son estratégicas en la producción de alimentos

La reunión en México del Comité Ejecutivo del Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura --que concluyó este 18 de junio-- permitió avanzar en la construcción de una agenda regional para el manejo integral del agua, en tiempos de fuerte competencia por los recursos naturales, cambio climático e inseguridad alimentaria.

Martes, 18 Junio 2013

BID: América Latina y el Caribe podrían cubrir sus necesidades eléctricas con recursos renovables

BID: América Latina y el Caribe podrían cubrir sus necesidades eléctricas con recursos renovables

La dotación de recursos de energía renovable de América Latina y el Caribe es suficiente para cubrir más de 22 veces la demanda eléctrica proyectada para el 2050, de acuerdo a un nuevo estudio encomendado por el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID).

Martes, 18 Junio 2013

California and Shenzhen, China, sign agreement to cooperate on fighting climate change

Moving to further strengthen California's ties with China, California Air Resources Board Chairman Mary Nichols and Director of the Shenzhen Development and Reform Commission Xu Anliang signed a memorandum of understanding today in Shenzhen that will expand cooperation at the subnational level to tackle global climate change.

Martes, 18 Junio 2013

G8 leaders commit to 2015 climate change treaty

G8 leaders commit to 2015 climate change treaty

G8 leaders have reaffirmed their commitment to cutting levels of greenhouse gases and agreeing a climate change deal in 2015. 

Lunes, 17 Junio 2013

WB/BRAZIL: Green Urban Development Program to Benefit 500,000 vulnerable people in Belo Horizonte

Half a million vulnerable residents of  the capital of Minas Gerais, in the South East of Brazil, will benefit from the Belo Horizonte Urban Inclusive Development Policy Loan a US$200 million loan to the Municipality of Belo Horizonte, approved by the Board of Directors of the World Bank. The initiative will support a sustainable urban development strategy aimed at reducing social vulnerability.

Sábado, 15 Junio 2013

Climate Talk Shifts From Curbing CO2 to Adapting

The conversation is no longer solely about how to save the planet by cutting carbon emissions. It's becoming more about how to save ourselves from the warming planet's wild weather.

Sábado, 15 Junio 2013

Caribbean Looks at Financial Approach to Combat Climate Change

The Caribbean has the unenviable reputation as one of the most disaster-prone regions in the world, a situation exacerbated by climate change and vulnerability that experts warn could have significant economic consequences if unaddressed.

Viernes, 14 Junio 2013

UNDP-UNEP Poverty-Environment Initiative Launches New Five-Year Phase to Meet Growing Demand from Member States

The United Nation's Poverty-Environment Initiative (PEI) has launched a new phase of operations to meet growing demand from Member States for assistance in implementing measures that can reduce poverty, while promoting the sustainable use of natural resources and a healthy environment. 

Viernes, 14 Junio 2013

New Report Identifies “Regret-Free” Approaches for Adapting Agriculture to Climate Change

Whether it’s swapping coffee for cocoa in Central America or bracing for drought in Sri Lanka with a return to ancient water storage systems, findings from a new report from the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) chart a path for farmers to adapt to climate shifts despite uncertainties about what growing conditions will look like decades from now.

Jueves, 13 Junio 2013

Small Island technical paper wins support at UN climate talks

The Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS) suggestion involves delegates examining a series of policies and technologies proven to rapidly lower emissions ahead of this year’s main summit in Warsaw.