
Jueves, 13 Junio 2013

Developing Countries Lead Global Shift to Green Energy

Emerging economies such as Mexico and India are shifting energy investments into renewable resources while industrialised countries hesitate, noted two new United Nations reports released Wednesday in Nairobi, Kenya. 

Miércoles, 12 Junio 2013

Africa: Adopt indigenous technologies to fight climate change

African leaders have been urged to consciously promote indigenous technology usage in order to adapt to climate change's impact on the continent.

Miércoles, 12 Junio 2013

Renewable Energy Investments Shift to Developing Nations

Renewable energy investments are shifting to developing nations as countries from Morocco to Chile pursue power sources that wean them off fossil fuel imports, two studies promoted by the United Nations said.

Martes, 11 Junio 2013

Venezuela albergará reunión de la ONU sobre Cambio Climático en 2014

Venezuela será sede de la Reunión Ministerial preparatoria rumbo a la XIV Conferencia de las Partes de la Convención Marco de Naciones Unidas para el Cambio Climático (CMNUCC), prevista para 2014.

Martes, 11 Junio 2013

UNEP Launches First Graduate Course on Disasters, Environment and Risk Reduction

In an effort to target the root causes of environmental disaster risk, a new graduate course on Disasters, Environment and Risk Reduction was launched today by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Center for Natural Resources and Development (CNRD) at the 7th World Environmental Education Congress in Marrakesh, Morocco. 

Lunes, 10 Junio 2013

International Energy Agency urges stop-gap climate action

A sticking plaster solution for climate change has been proposed by the world's top energy think tank, the International Energy Agency (IEA).

Lunes, 10 Junio 2013

EU Should Move Beyond Carbon Market to Shut Coal, IEA Says

The European Union needs to think of other ways to prevent new coal-fired power stations from being built because its carbon market won’t achieve that this decade, according to the International Energy Agency.

Domingo, 09 Junio 2013

UN environment chief welcomes US, China agreement to target potent greenhouse gas

The head of the United Nations environment agency welcomed today the decision by China and the United States – two of the planet's biggest greenhouse gas emitters - to cooperate on phasing down production of a group of synthetic chemicals in order to combat climate change.

Viernes, 07 Junio 2013

OCDE y FAO prevén un crecimiento más lento de la producción agrícola mundial

La producción agrícola mundial crecerá un 1,5 por ciento al año de promedio durante la próxima década, en comparación con un crecimiento anual del 2,1 por ciento entre 2003 y 2012, según las previsiones de un nuevo informe dado a conocer hoy por la OCDE y la FAO.

Viernes, 07 Junio 2013


El Instituto Nacional de Innovación Agraria (Inia) y la Academia China de Ciencias Agrícolas (CAAS) suscribieron un acuerdo de investigación en el mejoramiento de variedades de cultivos adaptados al cambio climático, como maíz, arroz, legumbres, quinua, entre otros.

Viernes, 07 Junio 2013

Adaptation Knowledge Day IV

The Fourth Adaptation Knowledge Day convened at the Gustav-Stresemann-Institut (GSI) in Bonn, Germany, on 6 June 2013. Three panels addressed issues including: ecosystem-based adaptation (EBA) and climate resilience; what do decision-makers and practitioners need to know about EBA; and lessons learned from climate change adaptation case studies.

Jueves, 06 Junio 2013

Building energy efficiency: C40 and ULI join forces to reduce carbon emissions

C40 Cities and the Urban Land Institute (ULI) have formed a partnership to support C40 City officials in their efforts to reduce the energy consumption and carbon emissions of private buildings in each of their cities around the world.

Miércoles, 05 Junio 2013

UN climate envoys urged to accelerate loss and damage planning

Countries at acute risk from climate change related weather events could slip into a poverty trap unless a mechanism for helping them cope with loss and damage is established, a leading climate scientist has warned.

Miércoles, 05 Junio 2013

Brazil reports sharp drop in greenhouse emissions

Brazil’s greenhouse-gas emissions fell nearly 39% between 2005 and 2010, according to an inventory released today by the country's government. Years in production, the document shows that the country has made dramatic progress in reducing deforestation, but it underscores significant future challenges.

Martes, 04 Junio 2013

México pierde cada año 7% del PIB por daños ambientales

El secretario del Medio Ambiente, Juan José Guerra Abud, señaló que de acuerdo con datos del INEGI, México pierde todos los años casi el 7 por ciento del Producto Interno Bruto (PIB) por daños ambientales.