
Tuesday, 07 April 2015

Vacancy announcement: Climate Finance Consultant

Application deadline is 10 April

Tuesday, 07 April 2015

UNEP Chief Confident About the Future of Renewable Energy

The UN Under-Secretary-General and UN Environment Programme (UNEP) Executive Director, Achim Steiner delivered a keynote address on renewable energy at The Atlantic Council-hosted meeting in Washington D.C., on 1 April 2015.

Monday, 06 April 2015

Climate change, plant roots may accelerate carbon loss from soils

Soil, long thought to be a semi-permanent storehouse for ancient carbon, may be releasing carbon dioxide to the atmosphere faster than anyone thought. In a new study, researchers showed that chemicals emitted by plant roots act on carbon that is bonded to minerals in the soil, breaking the bonds and exposing previously protected carbon to decomposition by microbes.

Monday, 06 April 2015

Con técnicas de vanguardia exploran efectos del cambio climático en la Patagonia

Estudiando centenarios bosques de lenga y mediante experimentos controlados y en condiciones extremas, intentan descubrir en el intocado sur austral las respuestas que en Europa, Estados Unidos y otras latitudes, producto de la acción humana a gran escala, son imposibles de encontrar.

Saturday, 04 April 2015

Panamá - ‘Agua Salud’ y la reforestación inteligente

En 2008 comenzó un ambicioso proyecto de investigación en la Cuenca del Canal de Panamá, conocido como Agua Salud, con el cual los científicos intentan conocer la mejor forma para transformar paisajes degradados en bosques secundarios productivos, plantaciones de árboles y fincas ganaderas ecológicas, a la vez que se promueve la biodiversidad y se favorecen los servicios ambientales, como el secuestro de carbono y la disponibilidad de agua dulce.

Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Renewables Re-energized: Green Energy Investments Worldwide Surge 17% to $270 Billion in 2014

Major expansion of solar installations in China and Japan and record investments in offshore wind projects in Europe helped propel global 2014 investments to $270 billion, a 17% surge from the 2013 figure of $232 billion.

Tuesday, 31 March 2015

One million green jobs projected by 2030 in China, EU and U.S. - experts

The three regions combined produce more than half the world's greenhouse gas emissions, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), so their policies are crucial for shaping a new global climate agreement to be finalised at a U.N. conference in Paris in December.

Tuesday, 31 March 2015

CAF y AFD apoyan ciudades sostenibles en América Latina

Firman crédito por 100 millones de euros para financiar proyectos urbanos que contribuyan con la mitigación y adaptación al cambio climático en Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Perú y República Dominicana.

Monday, 30 March 2015

Costa Rica - Estudio revela que 1 de cada 10 PYMES ha implementado un proyecto de energía renovable

Entre los datos que destaca el estudio, tres de cada diez empresas sí consideran la implementación de un proyecto de energía renovable en un corto plazo, es decir, en menos de un año.

Monday, 30 March 2015

Barbados - Street lights to be replaced with energy efficient alternatives

As part of its continuing programme to phase out inefficient lighting in Barbados, Government has announced plans to replace more than 25 000 street lights with energy efficient alternatives.

Saturday, 28 March 2015

Especialistas latinoamericanos desarrollan videojuego contra el cambio climático

Este video creado por especialistas de Chile, Argentina y Panamá, se llama Ciclania aspira a que los chicos aprendan a establecer una relación sustentable con la naturaleza.

Thursday, 26 March 2015

Actividades de Capacitación-CATIE 2015

Para este año en el Programa de Capacitación del CATIE tenemos cursos cortos, cursos estratégicos, cursos virtuales y diplomados.

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

EU Nations Reach Deal to Start Carbon-Market Reserve in 2021

The deal, approved today in Brussels, allows EU governments to begin on March 30 negotiations with the European Parliament about the final version of the draft law on a market stability reserve, said Latvia, the holder of the bloc's rotating presidency. The reserve would ease a glut of permits that has pushed emission allowances down about 75 percent since 2008 to levels that fail to deter industry from burning coal, the most-polluting fossil fuel.

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Less greenhouse gas as deforestation slows down

"Deforestation and forest degradation increase the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, but forest and tree growth absorbs carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse gas emissions," FAO director-general Jose Graziano da Silva said.

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Insurance industry demands 'ambitious, meaningful' global climate deal

"The UN climate summit in December must deliver an ambitious, meaningful global deal on climate change," the letter says. "There is a sense of building momentum and insurers, environmentalists and academics want this to turn into action."