
Viernes, 08 Agosto 2014

UN releases Ban Ki-moon climate summit plan

A scenario document issued by Ban’s office reveals around 200 leaders will make simultaneous announcements in three separate rooms from 1015-1315 on the day.

Viernes, 08 Agosto 2014

BASIC nations vow to take united stand against rich nations over climate change negotiations

Brazil, South Africa, India and China — are expected to come out with a joint statement this afternoon, reflecting their common stand during future climate change negotiations.

Viernes, 08 Agosto 2014

UN chief appoints High-level Advisory Group on Sustainable Transport

The aim of the 12-member group is to promote accelerated implementation of sustainable transport aligned closely with the objectives of inclusive and equitable growth.

Jueves, 07 Agosto 2014

Colombia participará en carrera de vehículos solares en Chile

Un equipo de la ciudad colombiana de Pereira se prepara para representar por primera vez al país en la tercera edición de la Carrera Solar Atacama, una travesía de cinco días a lo largo de 1.400 kilómetros en el desierto chileno.

Jueves, 07 Agosto 2014

Regional experts meet to discuss impact of climate change on Caribbean

Senior level representatives from a wide range of regional institutions met in Saint Lucia on Tuesday to develop a regional climate change strategy at the first meeting of the Regional Coordinating Committee (RCC) on Climate Change.

Jueves, 07 Agosto 2014

Deep emissions cuts needed by 2050 to limit warming: U.N. draft

Deep cuts in greenhouse gas emissions of 40 to 70 percent by mid-century will be needed to avert the worst of global warming that is already harming all continents, a draft U.N. report showed.

Miércoles, 06 Agosto 2014

For most of us, global warming has become 'normal' climate

"Because the last three decades have seen such a significant rise in global and regional temperatures, most people under the age of 30 have not lived in a world without global warming," Michel Jarraud, Secretary-General of the U.N.'s World Meteorological Organization (WMO), told Reuters.

Martes, 05 Agosto 2014

Colombia - Consumo de energía se reduciría hasta en un 60%

Con el fin generar un escenario más sostenible y competitivo dentro del sector eléctrico del país, este martes 5 de agosto se llevará a cabo el lanzamiento oficial de la Ley 1715 de 2014 en el Hotel Radisson de Bogotá, un nuevo estatuto que favorecerá el uso eficiente de los recursos energéticos y la diversificación de las fuentes tradicionales de energía eléctrica.

Martes, 05 Agosto 2014

New Study Helps Promote and Build Aquaculture in the Caribbean

The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture (2014), published by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, said that world food fish aquaculture production expanded at an average annual rate of 6.2 per cent in the period 2000–2012 (and 9.5 per cent in 1990–2000), from 32.4 million to 66.6 million tonnes, with growth being relatively faster in Africa (11.7 per cent) and Latin America and the Caribbean (10 per cent). 

Martes, 05 Agosto 2014

Panamá - Apuestan por las energías limpias para sortear la crisis

El uso de energías renovables nace como una alternativa para enfrentar la crisis que atraviesa el sector, aseguró Eduardo Vallarino, presidente de la Asociación Panameña de productores de Energía Renovable (APPER).

Martes, 05 Agosto 2014

Bringing ‘smart’ building technology to Jamaica

Buildings are among the largest consumers of earth’s natural resources. According to the Sustainable Buildings and Climate Initiative, they use about 40 percent of global energy and 25 percent of global water, while emitting about a third of greenhouse gas emissions.

Lunes, 04 Agosto 2014

Guatemala - Aplican preparados contra roya que preservan calidad en café orgánico

Pequeños productores de café orgánico en el Altiplano del país hacen frente a la roya, mediante la aplicación de fórmulas como caldo multimineral, caldo bordolés y abono foliar, los cuales son elaborados por ellos mismos.

Lunes, 04 Agosto 2014

Governments, business leaders and civil society to advance action for Small Island Developing States at UN global gathering in Apia, Samoa

World leaders, CEOs, United Nations and civil society representatives attending the meeting will seek to galvanize renewed action for SIDS and articulate small island priorities for the next 20 years. This includes identifying how small island nations will transition to a more sustainable development path, including adapting to climate change, preserving the oceans and developing renewable energy sources. Partnerships to achieve these objectives will be at the heart of the conference and over 200 new partnerships are expected to be part of the conference outcome.

Viernes, 01 Agosto 2014

St Lucia To Develop Alternative Fuel From Discarded Tyres

Chairman of the St Lucia Solid Waste Management Authority (SLSWMA), Sylvester Clauzel, said the government is holding talks with a UK-based organisation to craft a solution for transforming waste material into energy.