
Jueves, 21 Agosto 2014

Preocupa la situación provocada por la grave sequía que afecta a Centroamérica

“Consideramos muy preocupante el impacto que la canícula prolongada está teniendo en la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional en algunas zonas de El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras y Nicaragua. Es muy importante priorizar recursos internos y externos para abordar esta situación que está afectando a millones de personas muy vulnerables”.

Martes, 19 Agosto 2014


El proyecto “Uso de energía solar términa para lecherías rurales” apoyado por el Programa Alianza en Energía y Ambiente con la Región Andina (AEA) del Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA) presentó la semana pasada 2 plantas lecheras de derivados lácteos instaladas en las localidades de Andagua y Huancarama, ubicadas en el departamento de Arequipa.

Martes, 19 Agosto 2014

Costa Rica signs first loan contract with Japan for new Guanacaste geothermal projects

Representatives from the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and the Costa Rican Electricity Institute (ICE) on Monday afternoon signed the first contract for a multimillion-dollar loan to finance Las Pailas II, a geothermal energy project near the Rincón de la Vieja Volcano, in the northwestern province of Guanacaste.

Lunes, 18 Agosto 2014

Jamaica - Climate Change Must Be Included In Development Planning

Director of Urban and Regional Planning, Ministry of Local Government and Community Development, Marsha Henry-Martin, says that development planning in Jamaica must incorporate disaster mitigation measures and strategies to address climate change.

Lunes, 18 Agosto 2014

Brazil makes progress on saving forests, Indonesia risks setbacks-report

Brazil has made good progress in safeguarding the Amazon rainforest but Indonesia's plans for its forests could face setbacks under a new government, a report commissioned by top forest aid donor Norway said on Monday.

Lunes, 18 Agosto 2014

MIT Study: Climate Talks on Path to Fall Far Short of Goals

Experts at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology using a sophisticated computer model examined what they think is the most likely outcome of UN climate treaty negotiations and found that the talks are likely to come up short.

Lunes, 18 Agosto 2014

Saving the House

A crack in a house’s foundation, if not repaired, can continue to grow, ultimately destabilizing the structure and rendering it uninhabitable. Its occupants must then move to another home. But the world’s population cannot move somewhere else. Houses, while not cheap, are replaceable; our planet is not.

Viernes, 15 Agosto 2014

Solomons town first in Pacific to relocate due to climate change

Under threat from rising sea levels and tsunamis, the authorities of a provincial capital in the Solomon Islands have decided to relocate from a small island in the first such case in the Pacific islands.

Jueves, 14 Agosto 2014

UN-backed disaster resilience campaign tops 2,000 participating cities

With the addition of Aguas da Prata, Brazil, two thousand cities worldwide are now enrolled in a United Nations global campaign engaging as many local governments as possible to take on the challenge of integrating disaster risk management into their development processes.

Jueves, 14 Agosto 2014

Renewable Energy Companies to Invest $7 Billion in Chile Power

The government awarded 70 concessions for solar power projects and six for wind farms, the country’s Energy Minister Maximo Pacheco told reporters today in Santiago. There were more than 30 recipients.

Jueves, 14 Agosto 2014

South Korea carbon market to go ahead as planned -MOE spokeswoman

South Korea decided on Thursday that its carbon trading market will go ahead as planned on Jan. 1 of next year, despite the finance minister's calls last month for it to be delayed.

Martes, 12 Agosto 2014

Investment in Climate Change Adaptation can Help Promote the Livelihoods of 65% of Africans, finds new report

Investment in climate change adaptation can help ensure that the impacts of climate change - including a projected 20-50 per cent decline in water availability - do not reverse decades of development progress in Africa, according to a new report released today by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).

Martes, 12 Agosto 2014

Argentina - Premiarán el uso de energías renovables en la construcción de casas

Legisladores del Frente para la Victoria impulsan mediante un Proyecto de Ley una batería de medidas para fomentar a los consumidores y empresas de la construcción a diseñar viviendas que contemplen el cuidado del medio ambiente, a partir de la utilización de fuentes de energía limpias, más económicas y eficientes.

Sábado, 09 Agosto 2014

On International Day, Ban says indigenous peoples can be 'powerful agents of progress'

“In order for them to contribute to our common future, we must secure their rights,” said Mr. Ban in his message on the Day, in which he added: “Let us recognize and celebrate the valuable and distinctive identities of indigenous peoples around the world. Let us work even harder to empower them and support their aspirations.”