Tuesday, 11 February 2014

¡Comenzó el registro de participantes en la comunidad AbE!

Join here if you want to be part of the community of practice on ecosystem-based adaptation. This platform allows the opportunity to have a virtual space where we can discuss specifically about different aspects of the ecosystem-based adaptation, to get in contact with recognized experts, to participate in regional meetings, to network and to receive a participation certificate.

You could contribute in a friendly website,  get discussion updates in your email and to your mobile application. Besides, this is a fully bilingual platform (English and Spanish), so you could access contributions from participants from many regions of the world.

In the section “Community of Practice” we are looking forward the participation of people from different disciplines interested in learn more about ecosystem-based adaptation. Discussions will take place through modules of one month of duration in average. In this time, participants could post their contributions.

This platform of debate and knowledge dissemination also looks for the participation of development practitioners that have implemented ecosystem-based adaptation measures, among them, public officials, civil society and NGO professionals, academics and consultants. They will participate in the “Experts’ Forum”. If you want to join this Forum, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The Community of Practice in Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) will be launched through a Webinar on the 3rd March 2014 at 10am (Panamá time). This event is aimed at sharing expectations and clarifying any doubt related to the Community. The meeting will be held by a UNEP/REGATTA representatives and by Juan Torres, main moderator, who will present the thematic content, the modules’ functioning and will answer participants’ questions looking forward Module 1 that will start on the 10th March.

Welcome will be given by Margarita Astrálaga, UNEP Regional Director for Latin America; also Jason Spensley, Climate Change Programme Officer and Jacinto Buenfil, EbA expert, will assist.