Accelerating Ecosystem-based Adaptation in Peru

On March 31st, 2016, the implementation of the Mountain Ecosystem-based Project in Peru (Mountain EbA, a project commissioned by the Ministry of Environment jointly to UNEP, UNDP and IUCN) officially closed after four years of activities. The project implementation site was the landscape reserve Nor Yauyos Cochas between the region of Lima and Junin in the Peruvian Andes.

Its cost-effective approach for rural areas and Natural Protected sites makes redundant the use of large and expensive infrastructure. EbA measures have been successfully implemented in the Nor Yauyos Cochas landscape reserve, ensuring the provision of water to the 9 million citizens of Lima.

Among the results of the project is the integration of climate change and EbA in the master plan of the reserve which is now one of the few to include climate change in its governance document. Based on this experience, the National Service of Protected Areas of Peru (SERNANP) requested a technical assistance to the CTCN with the objective of developing a methodology for integrating climate change in the master plan of all national protected areas of Peru.

Short videos about stories of change induced by the project can be seen in our networks and .


PNUMA - Cambio Climático