Thursday, 03 October 2013

Abiertas inscripciones: Seminario de Desarrollo Profesional sobre Estrategias de Modelado y Herramientas de Apoyo a la Toma de Decisiones en la Gestión de Sistemas Socioecológicos Complejos

The Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI), the Universidad del Valle de Guatemala, and the University of Illinois at Chicago are pleased to organize the “Professional Development Seminar (PDS) on the use of modeling strategies and tools to aid management decisions on socio-ecological systems. The Seminar will be funded by the IAI with resources from the US National Science Foundation (NSF). 

Participating scientists, practitioners and stakeholders will get hands-on experience in modeling complex societal and environmental problems, from the formulation of research questions that are policy relevant to the communication of useful results to diverse audiences and knowledge users. Participants will organize themselves into working groups to formulate projects and develop proposals; the groups will have the opportunity to compete for IAI funding for a collaborative project under the Seed Grant Program. The PDS will involve two sessions, each one a week long. The first session will be held 24-28 March 2014 in Antigua, Guatemala; the second session will be held 18-22 August 2014 in Panama City, Panama. Between sessions, participants will interact among themselves and with IAI staff and Institute instructors through Internet-based tools.