Key institutions

The Ministry of Housing and the Environment

The Ministry of Housing and the Environment

Type of Institution:

Government agency

Work field:


  • Awareness raising & training
  • Legistative and institutional framework (political incidence)


  • Awareness raising & training
  • Legistative and institutional framework


Trinidad and Tobago


The Ministry of Housing and the Environment is responsible for the formulation and execution of Government’s policy in the Housing and Environmental sectors. The Ministry operates as facilitator in the implementation of those policies through its various units and affiliated agencies. The Environmental Policy and Planning Division (EPPD) of the Ministry has main responsibility for guiding and formulating environmental policy in keeping with Government’s Policy Framework for Sustainable Development and the National Environmental Policy; in addition to monitoring and evaluating the implementation and effectiveness of environmental policy; design and implementation of environmental programmes and projects pursuant to national policy objectives; pollution control; and, hazardous waste and substance management. Among other functions, EPPD has the responsibility to coordinate the implementation of Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) to which the Ministry is the National Focal Point.