Nordic Development Fund
Adaptation, MitigationObjectives:
Facilitate climate change investments in low-income countries. NDF finances in cooperation with bilateral and multilateral development institutions. NDF’s operations mirror the Nordic countries’ priorities in the areas of climate change and development. The operations are financed from the development cooperation budgets of the five Nordic countries.
Carbon capture and storage; Renewable energy; Energy efficiency; Waste management; Transport; Fuel switching; Agriculture; Forestry; Climate resilience; Water.
Eligible organisations:
Financing may be provided to one or several active institutions, organisations, companies, and authorities with relevant experience holding a registered place of operations in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway or Sweden (“Applicant”). The Applicant shall have Local Partner(s) in an Eligible Country (see list) where the Project is proposed to be implemented.
Eligible Projects or Programmes:
This fund operates in the two macro-areas of adaptation and mitigation, and in the sectors of energy; transport; water and sanitation; health; agriculture; and forestry. More specific eligible themes are selected each year. For the first editions of the program the selected themes were the following: energy efficiency; water resources; urban adaptation to climate change; and renewable energy. Projects demonstrating local ownership and commitment are considered to be a priority, as well as those focusing on local empowerment through technology transfer from the Nordic countries.
Proposal/Application requirements:
Projects are normally identified by governments in partner countries according to national priorities, often through partnerships with the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, African Development Bank and Nordic bilateral development organisations. In addition, NDF aims at obtaining project information and ideas trough Nordic firms, organisations and networks.
Proposal evaluation criteria:
NDF supports projects in low-income countries which: a) are eligible for support from IDA (less than USD 1,165 per capita income in 2011), and b) have previously received NDF support. Generally both these criteria should be fulfilled. Under certain conditions, NDF may also provide assistance to other low-income countries on a case by case basis.
How to Apply:
Once a year, NCF will launch a call for proposals for innovative ideas within specific themes relating to climate change. The best proposals may receive grant financing amounting between EUR 250,000 and EUR 500,000. The projects should have an implementation period of 24 months or less. Applications for 2013 are not available yet.