Instituciones clave

Environmental Coordinating Unit. Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources, Physical Planning and Fisheries  (ECU)

Environmental Coordinating Unit. Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources, Physical Planning and Fisheries  (ECU)

Tipo de institución:

Organismo gubernamental

Áreas de trabajo:


  • Sensibilización y formación
  • Marco legislativo e institucional (incidencia política)


  • Sensibilización y formación
  • Marco legistativo e institucional




The Environmental Coordinating Unit, as part of Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources, Physical Planning and Fisheries , has the mission to function as the body for all environmental and sustainable development management programmes, projects and activities in the Commonwealth of Dominica. Its key functions includes: (1) To advise government on the development of coherent environmental policies; (2) to promote interest, and encourage public participation in environmental matters through public awareness activities; (3) To serve as the focal point for regional and international agreements on environmental issues (including Climate Change agreements); (4) to serve as the government agency with responsibility for the dissemination of information on the environment; (5) To undertake basic research and coordinate studies on the impacts of development projects on the environment; (6) To liaise with other government and private sector agencies on issues that impact on the environment.