Financing opportunities

 Green Climate Fund (GCF) 


Adaptation, Mitigation


Contribute to the achievement of the ultimate objective of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), by promoting the paradigm shift towards low emission and climate-resilient development pathways, and providing support to developing countries to limit or reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and to adapt to the impacts of climate change.


Technology Development and Transfer; Capacity Building; Technology Development and Transfer

Eligible organisations:

Public and private entities

Eligible Projects or Programmes:

The GCF will support projects, programmes, policies and other activities in all developing country parties to the UNFCCC.  The GCF will finance activities to both enable and support adaptation, mitigation (including REDD+), technology development and transfer (including CCS), capacity-building and the preparation of national reports.  Countries will also be supported in the pursuit of project-based and programmatic approaches in accordance with strategies and plans (such as low-emission development strategies, Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions, National Adaptation Plans of Action, National Adaptation Plans and others).

Proposal/Application requirements:

The Board is yet to develop processes for the approval of proposals. The Fund is to have a streamlined programming and approval process to enable timely disbursement.

Proposal evaluation criteria:

Evaluation criteria is under develop.

How to Apply:

Is under develop. But access to fund resources will be through national, regional and international implementing entities accredited by the Board. Recipient countries will determine the mode of access and both modalities can be used simultaneously, and may designate a national authority. This national designated authority will recommend to the Board funding proposals in the context of national climate strategies and plans, including through consultation processes.

Funding limit for individual projects:

Not determined

Activities supported:

No activities yet