Documents & Tools


Webinar: "Nairobi Work Programme"

November 2015

Speaker: Dr. Roberto Acosta

Methodology to design indicator systems in Mexico

August 2015

Good Practice in Designing and Implementing National Monitoring Systems for Adaptation to Climate Change

September 2015

Gasto público y adaptación al cambio climático: análisis de Colombia, el Ecuador, Nicaragua y el Uruguay

December 2014

Procesos de adaptación al cambio climático: análisis de América Latina

December 2014

Reflexiones metodológicas del análisis del cambio climático: una visión desde América Latina

December 2014

UNEP Adaptation Gap Report - 2014

Why mountains matter for climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction?

April 2014

A call for action on the sustainable development goals (SDGs)


December 2013

It profiles 26 countries in the region and evaluates their ability to attract capital for low-carbon energy sources while building a greener economy.

EXTENSIÓN DE PLAZO - Solicitud de expresión de interés para organizaciones sin fines de lucro

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The Climate and Development Challenge for Latin America and the Caribbean

April 2013

Options for climate-resilient, low-carbon development

Climate Change Decision Making Tools

February 2013

The report at hand summarizes and analyses twenty-six climate change decision-making tools,! existing and in process of development, including some that use multiple criteria in the analysis.A descriptive table for each tool is presented, showing the type of tool, year of launch and author, scale and focus, level of complexity,time and cost for applying the tools, type of information that is generated and its use,among others.

Adapt Now: A Global Call for Leadership on Climate Resilience

Climate change is one of the greatest threats facing humanity, with far-reaching and devastating impacts on people, the environment, and the economy. Climate impacts affect all regions
of the world and cut across all sectors of society. People who did the least to cause the problem—especially those living in poverty and fragile areas—are most at risk.

• Without adaptation, climate change may depress growth in global agriculture yields up to 30 percent by 2050. The 500 million small farms around the world will be most affected.
• The number of people who may lack sufficient water, at least one month per year, will soar from 3.6 billion today to more than 5 billion by 2050.
• Rising seas and greater storm surges could force hundreds of millions of people in coastal cities from their homes, with a total cost to coastal urban areas of more than $1 trillion each year by 2050.
• Climate change could push more than 100 million people within developing countries below the poverty line by 2030.

The costs of climate change on people and the economy are clear. The toll on human life is irrefutable. The question is how will the world respond: Will we delay and pay more or plan ahead and prosper?


The Global Commission on Adaptation seeks to accelerate adaptation by elevating the political visibility of adaptation and focusing on concrete solutions. The Commission is led by Ban Ki-moon, 8th Secretary-General of the United Nations, Bill Gates, Co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and Kristalina Georgieva, CEO, World Bank. It is guided by 34 Commissioners, consisting of leaders from political, business, multilateral, and scientific worlds; and it is convened by 20 countries. A global network of research partners and advisors support the Commission. The Commission is co-managed by World Resources Institute and the Global Center on Adaptation.


This report focuses on making the case for climate adaptation, providing specific insights and recommendations in key sectors: food security, the natural environment, water, cities and urban areas, infrastructure, disaster risk management, and finance. It is designed to inspire action among decision-makers, including heads of state and government officials, mayors, business executives, investors, and community leaders.

Adaptación al cambio climático en América Latina y el Caribe

Estilos de desarrollo, heterogeneidad estructural y cambio climático en América Latina

December 2015